
How to make Hot Coffee from Green Coffee beans

Green Coffee is one of the popular supplement for decreasing weight and its effect is significant. If anyone is very much devoted to minimize his/her weight and burnt fat naturally, then he/she must be very punctual to take Green Coffee regularly.  Let's see how we can use Raw green coffee beans for daily usage. There are two ways we can use raw green coffee.  A.) By soaking the Green coffee beans 1. Soak 1 cup of Green coffee beans overnight in 2 cups of water. 2. Boil this mixture the next morning with continuous stirring for 15 minutes on high and 15 minutes on low flame. 3. Remove from heat and let it cool for about 1 hour. 4. Now filter the mixture and store it in a pet jar, you can keep this mixture in the refrigerator for 2-5 days. 5. Now take 1/2 teaspoon of the coffee mixture from the jar and add hot water to it. 6. Add some Honey as per your taste/ You can also add Cinnamon powder 7. Avoid Honey if you are diabetic.   B.) By grinding the Green coffee beans 1. Crush the